Cabinet Decisions Details
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Cabinet Decision on 27 March, 2025 (3)
• Ensuring Effective Coordination of Climate Change efforts
- To streamline activities and have a common nodal point for more effective and coordinated efforts to combat climate change in Assam, Cabinet has approved
- Renaming of "Science, Technology and Climate Change Department" as "Science and Technology Department"
- Renaming of "Environment and Forest Department" as "Environment, Forest and Climate Change" Department and declaring it as the Nodal Department for Climate Change related activities
• Ensuring Ease of Doing Business for Small Traders
- Cabinet has approved the amendments to the Assam Panchayat (Financial) Rules, 2002 pertaining to the settlement of Haats/Ghats/Fisheries/Ponds etc. Under the amendments
- No settlement of assets shall be awarded to a lessee who is involved in any kind of heinous crimes, extortion, etc. and the concerned GP/AP/ZP will provide basic amenities for the haat/ghat settled by them and the lessee will be responsible for cleanliness
- Tax will be levied annually/biannually from the regular vendors, traders, hawkers only. No tax shall be collected for petty household produces like vegetables & agricultural and dairy products
- Cabinet has directed creation of a digital platform for issue of on-demand Trade license for conducting business in Panchayat areas