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Cabinet Decision on 12nd September, 2023 (4) Cabinet Decision on 12nd September, 2023 (4)
Employment through Entrepreneurship ---- Draft guidelines on Mukhya Mantri Atmanirbhar Asom to generate employment opportunities through the setting up of new entrepreneurial ventures discussed || Beneficiary coverage -- • 2 lakh eligible beneficiaries to be targeted over the next 2 years 1 lakh in FY 2023-24 and 1 lakh in FY 2024-25 • Financial assistance shall be a combination of Government grant plus interest-free Government loan to be repaid after 5 years to establish micro-enterprise/service units ||| Implementation ---- • Selected beneficiaries to undergo 1-month training in selected educational/skill training institutions for enhancing entrepreneurship, management and accounting skills during which 10,000 shall be granted as stipend • The portal for registration giving details of eligibility/eligible activities will be launched on 23 September 2023