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Cabinet Decisions taken on 19 August, 2022 (2) Cabinet Decisions taken on 30 August, 2022 (2)
1. Repealing Obsolete Acts ---> 27 obsolete Acts to be repealed through tabling of Assam Repealing Bill, 2022 in next Assembly Session scheduled from 12 September 2022. Acts to be Repealed --> · - Agriculture Department: Assam Agricultural Pests and Diseases Act. 1950, Assam Agriculturist Loans (Extension to United Khasi, jaintia Hills District) Act 1963, Assam Dadans Act 1944, Assam Debt. Conciliation Act 1936. · - Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department: Assam Cattle Diseases Act 1948. · - Health and Family Welfare Department: Bengal Vaccination Act 1880, Assam Drugs (Control) Act 1950, Assam Kala-Azar Treatment Act 1949, Rural Health Regulatory Authority Act 2004. · - Housing and Urban Affairs Department: Assam Apartments (Construction and Transfer of Ownership) Act 2006, Assam Development Authorities Act 1964, Assam Municipal (Validation of Election) Act 1957, Assam Non-Agricultural Urban Areas Tenancy 1955, Assam Urban Immovable Property Tax Act 1969, Guwahati Non-Bio-Degradable Garbage (Control and Prevention) Act 2006. · - Environment and Forest Department: Assam National Parks Act 1968, Assam Rhinoceros Prevention Act 1954. · - Excise Department: Assam Excise (Extension to Mizo) District Act 1961. · - Fishery Department: Assam Private Fisheries Protection Act 1935. · - Industries, Commerce and Public Enterprise Department: Assam Cement Control Act 1953, Assam Handicraft Artisan Welfare Fund Act 1998, Assam State Industrial Relief Undertakings (Special Provision) Act 1984. · - Finance Department: Assam Industrial (Sales Tax Concessions) Act 1986. · - IPR Department: Assam Press and Registration of Books (Extension to Lusai Hills) Act 1954. · - Labour Welfare Department: Assam Shramik Bahini Act 1959 · - Soil Conservation Department: Sylhet Jhum Regulation 1891.